Lenten Message 2025His Eminence Frank Cardinal LeoMetropolitan Archbishop of Toronto
My Dear Brothers and Sisters,
May Jesus and Mary be in your souls.
I am writing to you as we prepare to enter the Holy Season of Lent; a...
Requesting Prayers of Healing for His Holiness Pope Francis27 February 2025
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
As you may be aware, Pope Francis has been hospitalized at Gemelli Hospital in Rome where he has been since 14 February. His Holiness is...
ShareLife Sunday marks the first collection for our parish’s annual campaign. But ShareLife is more than a parish collection. It is how we, as Catholics in the Archdiocese of Toronto, bring the hands of Christ to those in...
Celebrate the Passion, Death, & Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ at St. Patrick's Parish! Here's our schedule of Masses and activities for Holy Week...
For questions, please call or email our office (Tel. 416-598-3269 | secretary...
For many children, the snacks and meals they receive in school may be the only nutritious food they eat all day. Studies show that children can’t learn and thrive when they are hungry.
Thanks to you, $750,000...
The Parish Pastoral Council has had requests, from different sources, that parishioners would like to have opportunities to gather and get to know each other better. It has also been noted that people casually come together at the back of...
Join us as we come together to strengthen our liturgical life and assure that our voices express our strong faith in Our Saviour Jesus Christ, we encounter most closely in the Celebration of Mass.
Workshop Details:- Saturday Morning: April 5th...
The Archdiocese of Toronto has partnered with Tip Tap Pay so that you can help support your parish with a simple tap. Simply tap and hold your payment card or smart device to the ‘tiptap’ device to give...
UPDATE: Thank you to everyone for your generous support! We’ve exceeded our goals of 400 pounds of food, and $2,000 in donations by a wide margin. We’re incredibly grateful for your contributions. The drive...
We invite you to bring your Blessed Palms to the church by Sunday, March 2nd, to help make ashes for Ash Wednesday.
You may place the Palms in the basket found at the back counter of the church. Thank...
In this Jubilee Year of Pilgrims of Hope, the Parish Pastoral Council is excited to announce the formation of a new ministry at St. Patrick’s: the Pastoral Care Team to the Sick and Homebound. This ministry seeks to...
We have noticed that some individuals have been coming forward in the Communion line with a Pyx (small container used to bring Communion to the sick) to receive Holy Communion to bring to their loved ones at home.
To ensure...
The parishioners of St. Patrick’s, along with other donors in the GTA and beyond, have responded with ongoing generosity and support this past year to the fund-raising request for Ashadeep, Centre for the Differently Abled. The amount...
Thank you to all of you who have responded to the request for more Hospitality Ministers, we now have 28 people serving in this ministry. This has been a very generous response, which is much appreciated. There is one Mass...
2024 Tax Receipts
We thank everyone for your support in 2024! 2024 Parish Tax Receipts are being processed. The receipts will be mailed out starting February 2, 2025. Please wait until the end of February to receive your receipts. For...
Couples who want to marry at St. Patrick’s Parish, or are planning a marriage outside of the Archdiocese of Toronto (eg. in another diocese within Canada, or in another country) are required to meet with one of the...
Thank you very much for your kind greetings, Christmas Cards, and gifts over the Christmas Holiday. Your thoughtfulness and kind words are appreciated. On behalf of the parish staff and myself, I would like to extend our best wishes for...
In the month of November, the ShareLife Program of the Archdiocese of Toronto allocated $10,000 toward St. Patrick’s Out of the Cold Program for the purpose of food and the provision of meals. These funds were provided...
The members of Ashadeep wish you and your loved ones a very happy Christmas. May your heart be filled with joy, love, and peace. May the Infant Jesus bless you.Thank you very much for all your kind support and...
There will be no Devotions to Our Mother of Perpetual Help nor Confessions on Christmas Day, and New Year’s Day.
The masses on those Wednesdays will be as on a Sunday morning, at 8:30am and 11:00am...