Liturgical Ministries

Are you gifted to serve?

Youth, 18 years and under, who have received their First Communion are invited to serve during the Sunday Masses and masses on special occasions. This ministry is a means of engaging the full, active, conscious participation of youth during the Mass. Altar Servers receive training and are scheduled for service at the Mass time attended by their family. Parents are needed to provide support in this ministry.

Time Commitment: 1 hour per week.

For more information, please contact the parish office.


ALTAR SERVER (Adult): Adults are required on occasion to serve mass on Wednesdays, other weekdays, special feasts, funerals, and occasional Sunday masses where youth servers are not available.

Time Commitment: As needed

For more information, please contact the parish office.


EXTRAORDINARY MINISTER OF THE EUCHARIST: Trained and commissioned lay ministers who assist the Priest in the distribution of Holy Communion during Masses. Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist must be at least 18 years of age and fulfill Archdiocesan requirements.  Training sessions are offered throughout the year.  As part of the spiritual development and understanding of the ministry, formation sessions are also held.

Time Commitment: 2-3 Sundays per month

For more information, please contact Barbara Galbraith,


LECTOR: Trained volunteers to proclaim the Word of God during Masses on Sundays and weekdays. Lectors must fulfill Archdiocesan requirements and be at least 18 years of age.  Training sessions are offered throughout the year.  As part of the spiritual development and understanding of the ministry, formation sessions are also held.

Time Commitment: 2-3 Sundays per month

For more information, please contact Barbara Galbraith,


SACRISTAN: Volunteers are needed to assist in the maintenance of the Sacristy of the Church by preparing for weekday and Sunday Masses, Adoration and Holy Hour. Training will be provided.

Time Commitment: As needed

For more information, please contact Fr Tom.


LITURGICAL HOSPITALITY (Greeter/Usher)*: We are welcomed at our door by our greeters and ushers, who are ready to assist with a welcome, and to answer any questions parishioners may have. Ushers assist with seating parishioners, Communion, and collection when needed. Ushers and Greeters are present to assist the Priest and Pastoral team with unforeseen emergencies during the celebration of Mass.

*This ministry is currently full. Please check the website regularly for updates on opportunities to serve. Thank you!