Inviting Young Adults (age 18-39) to join us ...
The Harvest is Ready: Pay Up! ... We have been given a gift in the wonder and beauty of creation and in the depths of the mystery of our lives. All gifts come with commitment and responsibility. One day we will be held account. Will you be ready?
Fr. Santo Arrigo C.Ss.R., Director of Ignite Ministry will be the presenter
Join us for this informal "bible study". We will reflect on the words of scripture as they relate to the liturgical season of the year, to the experience of our lives and journey of faith. We will gather for 1 hour of input and reflection and continue the conversation across the street at the pub in a friendly social atmosphere.
Please RSVP by the Friday before the gathering on MEET UP or FACEBOOK, Or email us at
This event is hosted by Ignite Young Adult Ministry