
Bible & Beer: “A Common Sense Miracle, and the Miracle of Common Sense”

Tuesday, September 03, 2024 07:00 PM - Tuesday, September 03, 2024 08:00 PM
St. Patrick's Church, 137 McCaul St (enter through front doors)


(For young adults 18-35)...

Bible and Beer: “A Common Sense Miracle, and the Miracle of Common Sense”

It’s common sense that Jesus would help someone whom He would encountered in need. Isn’t it? Why does it take a miracle for us to do the same?

Fr. Santo Arrigo, C.Ss.R., Provincial Superior and Director of Ignite Ministry will be our presenter.

Join us for this informal “bible study”. We will reflect on the words of scripture as they relate the liturgical season of the year to the experience of our lives and journey of faith. We will gather for 1 hour of input and reflection and continue the conversation across the street at the pub in a friendly social atmosphere.

Register here: https://bit.ly/Bible-and-Beer-Sept-3

For more information, visit us at: www.ignite-canada.ca
