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Message for Lent 2025 from His Eminence Frank Cardinal Leo
Lenten Message 2025His Eminence Frank Cardinal LeoMetropolitan Archbishop of Toronto   My Dear Brothers and Sisters, May Jesus...
Coat of Arms of Frank Cardinal Leo
Coat of Arms of Frank Cardinal Leo
Requesting Prayers of Healing for His Holiness Pope Francis
Requesting Prayers of Healing for His Holiness Pope Francis27 February 2025 Dear Brothers and Sisters, As you may...
2025 ShareLife Campaign begins!
ShareLife Sunday marks the first collection for our parish’s annual campaign. But ShareLife is more than...
Holy Week Cross
Holy Week and Easter Liturgies 2025 Schedule
Celebrate the Passion, Death, & Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ at St. Patrick's Parish! Here's...
Thank you for heeding the Lord’s call to feed the hungry
For many children, the snacks and meals they receive in school may be the only nutritious food they...
After Mass Gathering – Sharing and Fellowship
The Parish Pastoral Council has had requests, from different sources, that parishioners would like to have opportunities to...
A Parish Workshop Announcement: Let This Holy Building Shake with the Mighty Voices of Thy People
Join us as we come together to strengthen our liturgical life and assure that our voices express our...
TipTap: A New Way to Support our Parish!
The Archdiocese of Toronto has partnered with Tip Tap Pay so that you can help support your parish...

Visit Us
137 McCaul Street
Toronto, ON
M5T 1W3

Office/Mailing Address
151 McCaul Street
Toronto, ON
M5T 1W3

t:  416.598.3269

Rev. Thomas O'Rourke C.Ss.R.

Rev. Carl Schmidt C.Ss.R.

Rev. Jacek Cydzik C.Ss.R.

Rev. Joseph Ruta C.Ss.R.

Parish Staff
Irene Mihaljek
Parish Administrator

Loretta Conte
Parish Secretary
(416) 598 3269

Dr. Robin Williams
Director of Music and Liturgy

John Pavao, Nelson Franco
Maintenance / Caretakers

Daisy Wasay
Sacristan and Office Staff

Daily Reading
Daily Readings
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. John 1:1 Follow Daily Mass or Reflect on the Daily Readings.

Donate to the Community
We are all stewards of the gifts God has given us, and sharing them generously in ways small and great gives us the opportunity to use them for the Lord’s work. Many parishioners contribute a range of skills and time to make the community at St. Patrick’s grow and flourish. Through the time and talent of many people, we remain connected to one another, united in the Lord who calls us and sends us all forth to build the kingdom together.
Consider sharing your time to help our parish. Please click here if you wish to volunteer at church...
You are most welcome to share your talents. Let us know by filling out the form below.
Our church relies on your generosity. Know the many ways you can support St. Patrick's financially!

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