
A word from Father Ray

已發佈 : Mar-12-2023

CatchtheWind_CDThrough the years, many people have said to me, "you should do a recording of songs," and I have always shunned the thought. However, last summer the suggestion was once again raised and I gave it some serious though. It occurred to me that now is the time, if this dream was ever to be realized. And so, since September last year, on my day off each week, I have been in the Studio recording some of my favorite Irish, Newfoundland songs.  There are a few other genres mixed in as well. This project has involved other talented musicians and vocalists, some of whom you know from the parish.

The perfect time to launch the CD is on Friday, Martch 17th which of course is St. Patrick's Day!! Father Tom and the Pastoral Team have allowed me this opportunity to showcase the CD. I am truly grateful! The CDs will also be available for sale after each Mass that weekend. CDs are expensive to produce therefore income from the CD sale will go towards defraying the cost of production. Each copy is $20. I will be available after each Mass to sign your copy, if you wish. This has been an exciting venture...

God Bless,
Father Ray