
2024 Tax Receipts & 2025 Offertory Envelopes
2024 Tax Receipts We thank everyone for your support in 2024! 2024 Parish Tax Receipts are being processed...
Tax Receipts
Holy Matrimony
Sacrament of Marriage
Couples who want to marry at St. Patrick’s Parish, or are planning a marriage outside of...
Thank you!
Thank you very much for your kind greetings, Christmas Cards, and gifts over the Christmas Holiday. Your thoughtfulness...
ShareLife allocated funds for St. Patrick’s Out of the Cold
In the month of November, the ShareLife Program of the Archdiocese of Toronto allocated $10,000 toward St...
Ashadeep Christmas Greetings
The members of Ashadeep wish you and your loved ones a very happy Christmas. May your heart be...
Mother of Perpetual Help
Announcement: Devotions to Our Mother of Perpetual Help
There will be no Devotions to Our Mother of Perpetual Help nor Confessions on Christmas Day, and New...
Christmas and New Year's Day Schedule for 2024/2025
Here is our parish's Christmas and New Year's Day Mass Schedule...
Religious Article Store: Extra Hours Open!
Looking for inspirational and sacramental gifts this Christmas? Our Parish's Religious Articles Store sells Christmas cards, Children...

Mass for the Feast of Our Mother of Perpetual Help
Live-streamed beginning at 11:00am Saturday, June 26, 2021
137 McCaul Street
Toronto, ON
M5T 1W3

151 McCaul Street
Toronto, ON
M5T 1W3

t:  416.598.3269
e stpatricksto@archtoronto.org

Rev. Thomas O'Rourke C.Ss.R.

Rev. Carl Schmidt C.Ss.R.

Rev. Jacek Cydzik C.Ss.R.

Rev. Joseph Ruta C.Ss.R.

Parish Staff
Irene Mihaljek
Parish Administrator

Loretta Conte
Parish Secretary
(416) 598 3269

Dr. Robin Williams
Director of Music and Liturgy

John Pavao, Nelson Franco
Maintenance / Caretakers

Daisy Wasay
Sacristan and Office Staff

A Prayer for Young People...
Father of Mercy, you call Redemptorists and young people together to encounter your Son and receive your Spirit. You invite us to share a journey of discipleship rooted in our baptism. Help us to walk faithfully together. Lead us in Your way of communion, love, and justice. Grant that we may listen to one another and to You, and that we may hear the cry of the most abandoned, especially the poor. Most Holy Redeemer, you call us to be your witnesses. May we know the power of your saving life, death and resurrection so that in solidarity for mission, with the guidance of Our Mother of Perpetual Help, we may joyfully proclaim to our wounded world the good news of Your abundant life. Amen.
Click here to know more about Ignite
Summer Street Patrol St. Patricks
How it all began...
"I watched on, slightly amused, slightly insulted, as a homeless person spitted out a sandwich I had just handed him. He then began to cuss and swear: “What the @#$% is this @#$% you’re feeding me?” Well, it was an eggplant sandwich; an Italian delicacy. My new found friend was not impressed. And so began my involvement with the homeless. Many summers of Street Patrol later, I have since learned a few things — like sticking to more “traditional” sandwiches. I have also experienced countless rewarding moments with those who were in need of my company, concern, and offer of food...
Read on

Donate to the Community
We are all stewards of the gifts God has given us, and sharing them generously in ways small and great gives us the opportunity to use them for the Lord’s work. Many parishioners contribute a range of skills and time to make the community at St. Patrick’s grow and flourish. Through the time and talent of many people, we remain connected to one another, united in the Lord who calls us and sends us all forth to build the kingdom together.
Consider sharing your time to help our parish. Please click here if you wish to volunteer at church...
You are most welcome to share your talents. Let us know by filling out the form below.
Our church relies on your generosity. Know the many ways you can support St. Patrick's financially!

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