
Ashadeep Advent Giving Tree 2022

Publié : Nov-24-2022

Giving Tree AshadeepAgain, as in past years during Advent, we focus our thoughts and giving on the children of Ashadeep Centre for the Differently Abled.

This year once more, our only fund raising is the Advent Giving Tree, but Ashadeep is more in need of our support than ever. Their numbers have increased and there are now more than 1,000 children attending the school including the disabled children living in the orphanage.

Last year your generous donations provided a roti making machine for the kitchen, this year the request is for another school bus. St. Patrick’s has provided two school buses in the past, both of which continue to serve Ashadeep well, but with the increase in numbers and new Government safety regulations another bus is desperately needed.

During Advent there will be a photo display at the back of the church showing the roti machine and the children of Ashadeep at breakfast, and also photos on the parish website. The tree will be set up at the back of the church for all of Advent. As usual, it will be decorated with small gifts, including rosaries made by some of the children and priests of Ashadeep. Instead of buying a gift for someone you can make a donation in their name and take an ornament to give as representative of the gift.

There will be envelopes in which you can place your donation, cheque made payable to St. Patrick’s Church or cash, and these can be placed in the boxes at the back of the church or in the collection during Mass.

THANK YOU for your ongoing generosity in supporting Ashadeep for the last 14 years. The children and priests at Ashadeep are grateful for your support and keep the parishioners of St. Patrick’s continually in their prayers. God bless you all!